Nexus Management CorporationNexus Management CorporationNexus Management Corporation
(Mon - Saturday)
Kamothe, Navi Mumbai 410209
Nexus Management CorporationNexus Management CorporationNexus Management Corporation

Satisfied Clients

Golden years we’ve passed!


 Nexus Management Corporation established in   established in 2020 with a vision to create revolution in the Society Management services as we are specialised in providing residential & commercial Society end to end Accounts and management Services.

 After a vast research of the society managing field, we found the need of professional society manager who will keep the society accounting in such way so that the life of each member of society become easy and stress free from complex and tough accounting and managing jobs

 Nexus Management Corporation is located in Maharashtra, Kamothe, Navi Mumbai 410209  and is part of the Office Administrative Services Industry. Nexus Management Corporation has 33 total employees across all of its locations and generates $2.03 million in sales .

Nexus Strength

As city developed, new challenges received with every construction and formation of societies, We have all society support System, our in-house expertise, our associate and vendors with Vision and unlimited expertise, all added together is our biggest strength which will grow from time to time and we are ready for it.

Nexus Team

Started with dedicated, enthusiastic and passionate team, we are adding and expanding our team. With addition of every new society in our bouquet and as per requirement, we add more pillars from time to time which gives strength to our growth.

Nexus Aim

Committed to provide the best quality of service, to make each and every society lifetime business partner with us. We believe in relationship and will continue to be part of your life through Society Management Business.

Service Experience

Mrs. Jija Jadhev

Co- Founder

A society must keep proper accounting records of all the financial transactions, record of each assets and liability of the society and any other record that are crucial part of society ecosystem.

This is very tedious task and our expertise will help you to maintain the all transactions, Records as per accounting rules

We provide the below bouquet of services to the societies as per requirement.

 We provide the below bouquet of services to the societies as per requirement.

 1. Payment Collections, Billing & Receipts

2. Outstanding statements

3. Cash book and Bank book records

4. Bank Reconciliation

5. Members Ledger

6. Trial Balance

7. General Ledger

8. Income & Expenditure Account

9. Balance Sheet

10. Budgeting

11. Society Audit 


A] Accounting Services

Services which are part of routine work :

  1. Preparation of Members Monthly/Quarterly Maintenance Bills.
  2. Collection of Maintenance Cheques from Members.
  3. Deposit of Cheques in Bank.
  4. Preparation of vouchers and necessary registers for accounting purpose.
  5. Salary to Staff and other vendors payment and maintain manual register of it.
  6. Preparation of cheques for Electricity Charges, Water Charges, Property Charges.
  7. Drafting Letter, Circulars, Notice to Members.
  8. Preparation of Agenda for Managing Committee Meeting (MCM), Annual General Meeting (AGM) & Special General Body Meeting.
  9. Preparation of Members Quarterly, Half Yearly Maintenance Bills Records.
  10. Preparation of Members Maintenance Receipts.  
  11. Preparation of Members maintenance dues statement.
  12. Preparation of members maintenance advance statement.  
  13. Computerized Cash Book & Bank Book.
  14. Computerized Members Ledger.

Other Premium Services 


  1. Follow up pending dues from Members.
  2. Preparation of Minutes for the MCM, AGM, SGM etc
  3. Complete Share Certificate Work
  4. Maintaining I Register 
  5. Maintaining J register.
  6. Maintaining Share Register.
  7. Maintaining Nominee Register
  8. Guidance on Society Handover from Builder
  9. TDS Return filing
  10. Income tax filing 
  11. Yearly Account Audit by Certified Panel Auditor

    B] Financial Management

    1. We are professional financial advisor to provide financial guidance to Society based on their needs. 
    2. We provide knowledge on financial products, services, planning or advice related to maintenance working, sinking funds, repair funds, vendor service costing etc. 
    3. Budgeting

      C] Society Assets & Property Management

      Asset management is the process of developing, operating, maintaining, and selling assets in a cost-effective manner. Most commonly used in finance, the term is used in reference to individuals or firms that manage assets on behalf of other entities.

      Before anything else, an owner needs to take count of all the assets that he owns. If he is not aware of the exact number of assets in his inventory, then he won’t manage them effectively. When preparing an inventory of company assets, the following should be included:

      1. Total count of assets
      2. Where the assets are
      3. The value of each asset
      4. When the assets were acquired
      5. The expected life cycles of the assets

        D] Managing and Maintaining Premises

        We advise on the maintaining your society premises and its hygiene. We advise on services like security, housekeeping, gardening, lift, power backup, painting, civil repairs in the common areas of the society, etc. These charges should also include the replacement / sinking fund, insurance etc. 

        E] Monitoring and Managing Staffs / Vendors

        Under this service, we provide below things as per your requirement as Society staffs and vendors are part of your society.

        Staff Management

        Staff name and details: complete details of the staff along with his residential address are maintained

        Photograph for each staff: Photograph of the staff can be attached with the information

        Identification documents Vendors: Scan copies of any documents of identification can be attached with information of the staff like ID proofs, address proofs, etc

        Reference (if any) through which he/she joined: in case the staff has been brought by some reference, the name of the person introducing him/her can also be associated in the listing

        Keep staff attendance properly scheduled: the daily attendance of staff can be maintained & it also makes it easy to count his leaves, etc.

        Vendor Management

        Keep record for each vendor: There are no. of vendors who provide various services to the society & its residents, so all vendor details can be maintained

        Maintain the type of business they are into: The system gives an idea on the services provided by each vendor and their rates for the same, so you can compare and chose the best one

        Details of contact person for them: Once decided, contact details can be directly extracted from the app thus reducing time for contacting at the gate and getting details, etc

        Documents related to that vendor: The security is the foremost and for that the vendors should be trusted one. The vendor documents can be verified and kept for reference whenever required

        Upload photo for products offered by them: The photos of their product offerings can also be attached with their profile for more clear decision making

Accounting is the process of recording financial transactions pertaining to a business. The accounting process includes summarizing, analyzing and reporting these transactions to oversight agencies, regulators and tax collection entities. The financial statements used in accounting are a concise summary …

Accounting Measurement

Accounting, also known as accountancy, is the measurement, processing, and communication of financial and non financial information about economic entities such as businesses

Economical Account

In economics a country's current account records the value of exports and imports of both goods and services and international transfers of capital. It is one of the two components of its balance.
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Team member

When a team member knows the exact contribution you appreciate, then they can recall what they did to earn your praise and apply that work ethic to future projects. They can also know that you've paid attention to their professional growth.
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Completed works

Accounting is the activity or the system of keeping records of transactions of a business or any other organizations in monetary terms. It records the money or value for money received by or given to different persons or entities from time to time.
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Client’s feedback

Customer satisfaction is the ultimate parameter that defines the success of an accounting firm. The accounting professionals should make sure that their customers are happy with the services delivered. Otherwise, with the number of accounting firms emerging over the past decade, the clients have no scarcity of options.

Bank reconciliation

bank reconciliation statement is a summary of banking and business activity that reconciles an entity’s bank account with its financial records.–

Types of bank reconciliation?
 There are five main types of account reconciliation: bank reconciliation, customer reconciliation, vendor reconciliation, inter-company reconciliation and business-specific reconciliation
Facing any problem to get a quote!

Call: 9321755989 / 9082762011

9321755989 / 9082762011
(Mon - Saturday)
Mail us for any help:
Opening time:
Mon-Sat: 8am-5pm

    At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

    Address : Office No. 10, Pushp Sandeep Chsl, Plot 2, Sector 9, Nr. Bank of Maharashtra, Kamothe, Navi Mumbai 410209
    (Sat - Thursday)
    (10am - 05 pm)